How To Stop Revenue Leaks In Martial Arts Studios

How To Stop Revenue Leaks In Martial Arts Studios

Are you currently using paper records or simple spreadsheets to manage your martial arts business? This may work as a temporary solution, but sooner or later you will discover that the weaknesses and vulnerabilities just aren’t worth it. Since these methods are unscalable, they might even be undermining your studio’s growth!

Here’s the good news: it only takes a few steps to resolve this. All you have to do is apply a stable system that can consolidate and track every aspect of your martial arts studio. Martial arts studio management software such as curoRC was developed to highlight the business’ strengths and weaknesses, allowing owners to zero in on what needs to be improved.

One issue that many martial arts studios face is loss of profits due to revenue leakage. This is the money that you don’t get because your current tracking and recording methods aren’t enough.

Here’s how martial arts studio software can help you monitor your revenue better and avoid losing your hard-earned money:

Smart Dashboard To View Key Metrics

Having a visual dashboard that shows your key business metrics may sound simple, but once you’re able to view critical data trending over time you’ll gain a significant amount of insight into where you’re gaining–and losing–money. Do you have a high number of non-paying students? Is this trend steadily growing? With martial arts studio management software from curoRC, you’ll be able to identify areas for improvement in one snapshot.

Accurate Student Billing Every Month

With an automated system, all billing and payments are updated. Payments that used to slip through the cracks are now flagged. Even a tiny percent of payments that end up missing due to inaccuracy of paper records can add up to thousands of dollars every month!

Recurring Payments & Collections

The reassurance that you’ll be paid on time every month is priceless. When you collect membership payments in cash or only at the point of sale, you’re losing out on timely payments. It’s too normal to forget payments or not bring their credit card when they come in for a session. When that happens you have to begin tracking that missed payment and follow up with students to collect. This adds even more work to your very lengthy To-Do list! This issue can be greatly reduced with automatic payments as agreed upon with your students when they sign up for a class.

By |2017-08-04T09:40:46+00:00August 10th, 2017|Revenue Tips|